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  • Writer's pictureE-Family Mom

A Thrifty Deal - I ♥ Goodwill!

Today is Day #1 of #12 of my holiday vacation and it was a GREAT one! I got up at a decent time, made a good breakfast, relaxed a bit, and then made my task list for the day. I have SO much I want to do, which equals so many things to organize and/or buy. I had to get sorted out where I needed to go and what exactly I needed to buy. I figured scouring the areas' thrift stores was a great place to start, for some things anyway. I had no idea I'd hit the jackpot on something I wasn't even really looking for! I went to the Goodwill closest to my house as a first stop. I'm on the lookout for a decent size frame that I can turn into a white board {More on that later}. I was minding my own business looking around the back of the store when I heard, "I can't believe no one has bought this really nice Ethan Allen coffee table yet". That got my attention. I hadn't seen it yet as it was slightly ahead of where I was standing. I moseyed my way closer to where I heard the employee to take a look for myself. Wow. There sat a really, really nice solid wood coffee table with a front drawer that was in great, if not perfect, condition. And you want to know the best part? The price tag. It was ONLY $30!! I said, out loud, "S-O-L-D"! The employee made it a point to tell me, as others were hovering, more like stalking, around me waiting to pounce on it when attention was drawn to it, that they couldn't actually mark it sold until it was paid for. I asked the manager to take it up front and I'd follow him up to pay for it, pronto. I didn't even care at this point what else the store may have had to offer me - All I cared about was getting this coffee table in my truck, safe & sound. I got up to the counter to pay for it, meanwhile grinning from ear to ear. What a find, I thought to myself. And then, DAMN... I realized I had NO more checks in my checkbook. (Goodwill doesn't take Visa and I very rarely, if ever, carry cash. I think I actually said, "Shit"!, out loud. Oops. I told the manager, who was waiting near the front door with the table ready to help me load it, "I can have my husband here in less than 5 minutes!". He told me hurry and reminded me - "It's not yours until you pay for it". In somewhat of a panic, I called my husband who was at home, fortunately for me only about 2 miles away, to ask him (more like beg) to please bring me the next set of checks so I can actually BUY this fantastic table. I told him to please not question me and just bring it. I had no time for the "Oh honey, do you really need to buy it?" Yes, I did. He, very understanding of course, said he was on the way. I then proceeded to barricade my fascinating coffee table near the front door like it was some sort of priceless possession. People actually came in the store gawking at it as if they were, too, interested. I gave them the stank-eye as I inched closer to "MY find". Within 4.5 minutes my husband arrived. He walked into the store and gave one look of instant approval to the table and over to the counter I went, check in hand! We had it safe in the bed of our truck about 3 minutes later. Phew! Take a look at my $30 Ethan Allen coffee table! It's wonderful! Doesn't need refinishing. Doesn't need anything. Only needs me to relax on the couch and stare at it fondly!

I absolutely LOVE thrift stores, especially Goodwill. I am NEVER too proud to shop thrifty, and even if I had a heap of money, I'd STILL shop at thrift stores. The finds are amazing, it's a thrill to sort through them, and most of all, you are putting money back into your community. Not a bad deal I'd say! Can't wait to see what I find tomorrow! Stay tuned for all my projects coming up!

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