E-Family Mom

Nov 28, 20111 min

So, I Want a Baby...

It's time. For so long now it's been just my awesome husband and me, and of course, our furry kids. But, I think it's time we add a human kid to our brood.


My husband and I have always said we wanted kids but we were never in any real rush. It was either not the right time, or we weren't ready emotionally or financially. I've heard the saying over & over... "It's never the right time", but it had to feel right to us. I think we are finally there. I mean, at 32 years oldyoung, I'm not getting any younger, right?


I used to walk right by all the baby goodies at Target. Now? I can't help but graze through every aisle. I've caught it bad. The "baby bug". It's all I think about. Little onesies. Darling cribs. Hair bows. Oh boy! Or, girl! ;)


I can't wait to be a mom. Truly. I'm already an Aunt to the best niece & nephew ever and I adore them to pieces, but now I want my own little one to call my own. Our own. I am ready. I'm ready for all things baby.


We've been "trying" for about 4 months now. I'm not getting psycho about it, yet. It'll happen when it's supposed to. I'm ready. Wait, didn't I already say that? I can't wait though.


So, there you have it. I want a baby. I want to be a mom. A mother. An adoring parental unit. A caretaker.


I can't wait to share with everyone when it happens. I'll be screaming it from the rooftops!
