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A Thrifty Deal - I ♥ Goodwill!

Today is Day #1 of #12 of my holiday vacation and it was a GREAT one! I got up at a decent time, made a good breakfast, relaxed a bit,...

My 1st REAL Christmas Tree!

I've never had a real tree. Or at least I don't remember ever having a real tree. The hubs and I wanted to do something a little...

DIY - How I Made Homemade Pin Boards

I have taken a liking to all things crafty & DIY lately, of course, thanks to Pinterest! The first thing I wanted to tackle was homemade...

So, I Want a Baby...

It's time. For so long now it's been just my awesome husband and me, and of course, our furry kids. But, I think it's time we add a human...

First Time Kayaking!

What fun, but what a workout! We'll certainly be doing this more! We tried this out at a lake that offers rentals to see how we liked it...

Raleigh, NC Tornadoes: 4-16-2011

This past Saturday started off just like any other Saturday. I had errands to run and had some shopping to do. I knew it was supposed to...

Final Day of our Camping Adventure!

Well, I made it to sunlight on our final day of camping! No maulings. No animal encounters. Honestly, I feel jipped! lol! We woke up...

Camping Trip - Day & Night #3

I had a great nights sleep the 2nd night... THANK YOU HEADPHONES! It's kind of sad that I didn't/couldn't take advantage of the "good"...

Camping Trip - Day & Night #2

OK... on to Day # 2... After surviving night #1, I was much more confident about night #2 & 3, especially knowing that I would most...

Camping Trip - Day & Night #1

OK, I survived. Barely! I might be exaggerating a little bit *wink* After spending just about three weeks gearing up and buying anything...

The Love for my Husband

As I sit here alone getting ready for bed, alone, I can't help but think of how lucky I am. First, I should mention that I'm alone...

Going Camping (1st Time!)

If you were going camping for the very first time in less than two weeks what would be some key items you'd be sure NOT to forget? Yup,...

Spa Day at the Umstead Hotel & Spa

I'm a lucky woman... My hubby surprised me for my birthday with a "spa day", a day I'd always dreamed of; however, prior to 10/2 I had...

Hubby's Birthday Breakfast & "The Card"

During the month of April, I have A LOT of birthdays to remember... countless friends, my brother's, my nephew's, and also my HUSBAND'S!...

Chris Daughtry & The American Red Cross

I want to share a story with you. This story is regarding my involvement with my local chapter's Red Cross Ball and how Chris Daughtry...

Taco Soup for the Soul!

What do you get when you add the following ingredients together? "Taco Soup", that's what! While lurking around the internet this past...

Our 2009 Christmas Vacation

For those who know me, you may know that 2009 has been a trying year for my husband and I. It has also been a very good year for us. How...

Dogs & Candy DO NOT Mix... at all!

So, what do kids do on Halloween evening? They Trick-Or-Treat, right? And, usually that means that by the time the kids are done, they're...

What Happened to Humanity?

What happened? Why are we bitter, why are we sour? What happened? When did the world become so consumed by hate? When did people stop...

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